
We are sorry to report that Otham History Society will cease to exist as of 31 December 2019.  Please contact Sylvia WADESON if you have any queries in the meantime.

Otham History Society is a small society that meets in the hall at Madginford from 7.45 for an 8pm start on the first Thursday evening of October, November, December, February and March. Following notices and future events there is usually a speaker followed by drinks and nibbles and socialising. Meetings are very friendly occasions where new members and guests are always welcome. The AGM takes place at the December meeting and is followed by a quiz and raffle. This gives members a chance to get to know one other better as there are teams at individual tables. The February DIY meetings, where members bring objects to talk about, have proved quite popular.

The annual Subscription fee is £12 payable between October 1st and the AGM. There is no charge for meetings.

There are also Summer and Autumn outings which usually take place in July and September respectively. Details to be announced later.

If you are interested and would like further details of the Society's events, please ring the Secretary/Treasurer:

Sylvia Wadeson 01622 745848
